(Guided by the Horizon Results Booster Management Team)
ForestValue – Innovating forest-based bioeconomy (ForestValue) is a public-public partnership under the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme established to promote increased innovation and competitiveness of the forest-based sector in Europe and to support its transformation from a resource-intensive to a knowledge-based, productive, resource-efficient and resilient sector.
The cooperation of the Nobel project with the other Forestvalue projects was guided by the Horizon Results Booster Management Team produced a number of materials:
• Catalogue of Results
A catalogue of Innovative Forest-Based Value Chain Technologies and Management Solutions has been brought forward to address this.
These results have been funded under the EU’s ForestValue ERA-NET Cofund initiative.
This catalogue includes innovative solutions for the sustainable
management of multifunctional forests as well as innovative industrial production and processing technologies, product concepts, and services.
you can Visit the provided catalogue Promotional Flyer and the Promotional Video!

NOBEL solution in the Catalogue of Results
NOBEL Auctioning platform is considered an innovative solution plus the 48 other produced results of the Forest-Based Value Chain Technologies and Management Solutions.
A web platform to enable payments for ecosystem services built based on NOBEL’s 3 business models providing a platform for exchanges between providers, companies, and government agencies.
European forests are subject to different, often conflicting demands, while also being under increasing pressures (including a growing number of social, economic, environmental, and climatic pressures threatening the condition of forests). Therefore, the entire forest-based sector is facing multiple policy challenges at EU, national and regional levels. Considering these challenges, and uncertainties about climate change, we need profound approaches to address the existing policy gaps. This is why ForestValue projects propose a few key recommendations for policy and regulatory changes.
- direct link to the policy brief file https://forestvalue.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/forestvalue_policy_booklet_a4_1.pdf
NOBEL recommendations in Policy Brief
Lack of awareness about the PES market mechanisms might cause low participation or mistrust. NOBEL suggests the following activities to raise awareness about the importance of forest ecosystem services (FES) and promote the idea of PES:
- Social media tools and dissemination activities (e.g. videos on successful examples from case studies) can demonstrate the social and environmental achievements of the PES mechanism;
- Workshops and training for different interest groups will make stakeholders (especially forest owners) aware of the opportunities related to PES;
- Auction platforms provide easy access to harmonized information about FES and bring providers and buyers in the market together;
As a result, trust, and transparency will be gradually increased among stakeholders, which will increase participation and engagement in a variety of successful business models established on the market.
All the materials NOBEL has jointly produced are now already available on the ForestValue website