Novel business models to sustainably supply forest ecosystem services
Payments for Ecosystem Services are an important mechanism to link the growing demands and needs of society with the opportunities that natural services provide. The project NOBEL focuses on the enhancement and maintenance of forest ecosystem services and supports landowners in the design and use of novel business models.
(i) develop business models and mechanisms to internalize the socio-economic value of forest ecosystems,
(ii) combine public policy tools with business models for implementing payments for forest ecosystem services at multiple levels, and
(iii) demonstrate and compare alternative approaches for payments in case studies in Europe.
NOBEL addresses these objectives in manifold ways including: Design of different management options for the provision of non-timber forest products and other ecosystem services like providing an improved welfare in forests, a good habitat for reindeer herders or the restoration of burnt forest sites. Management practices, stakeholder attitudes and consumer behavior are discussed at national and regional level with policy makers, providers and beneficiaries. A web-based auctioning platform is implemented to support the design of different business models and the analysis of trade-offs in multifunctional forest management. For the prediction and optimization of multiple sets of forest ecosystem services a framework of indicators is designed and applied by forest ecosystem models and remote sensing techniques.

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