ForestValue NEWSLETTER #10

The last ForestValue Newsletter but not least!

ForestValue with the aim of comprising the joint implementation of a trans-national call for proposals for research, development and innovation in the forest-based sector will be officially finished at the end of March 2023.

ForestValue project with a clear financial commitment from the participating national (or regional) research programmes and the EU” and with the help of all the partners as the stakeholders achieved a quite remarkable success and it even exceeded expectations by having two trans-national calls successfully launched.

Moreover, on 01/01/2023 a new Horizon Europe project will be started, called ForestValue2. ForestValue2 will be a 5-year project, coordinated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of Finland.

You are welcome to learn, the last update of the partners’s projects and also more info regarding the future plans, please check the Newsletter 10th, the last one but not least one.