ForestValue NEWSLETTER #9

The ForestValue consortium is trying to do its tiny part in the need for global cooperation, widening participation and supporting and strengthening the European Research Area

So far a couple of work has been done including:

  • Collecting a fiche document describing a possible European Partnership on Forestry by the Strategic Working Group on Forests and Forestry Research and Innovation of the Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (SCAR FOREST)
  • Preparation of the second Strategic Plan of Horizon Europe 2024-2027 by any future candidate European Partnerships in close collaboration with the Member States,
  • Monitoring the developments and making every effort to support the preparation of possible European research and innovation partnership on forests; the expected outcome of this call is to support the preparation for a possible European research and innovation partnership on forests under the Horizon Europe Programme
  • Submitting a proposal under this call by a team of 16 partners from 10 countries distributed across Europe (composed of research organizations as well as representatives of government, industry and societal groups) coordinated by the European Forest Institute (EFI)
  • Initiation of another joint effort and a consortium of 14 owners and managers of national and regional RDI programmes in 12 countries submitted in April a CSA proposal (coordinated by MMM, FI) under the call HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-ERA-01: Support for policymakers – Programme level collaboration between
    national R&I programmes

EUFORE proposal was selected for funding and it is expected to get started in autumn 2022. This 48-month project will implement a valuable co-design process for forestry and the forest-based sector in a multi-actor approach, so everyone’s input is valuable and needed.

In the provided newsletter (pdf attached), you can find the following content:
– Greeting from The coordinator
– Policy Brief
– Forestvalue JOINT CALL 2017: Main project outcomes
– UpComing Events

For the NOBEL, a summary of the policy working papers has been added, suggesting four pathways to secure better alignment between landowner incentives, stakeholder interests, and societal objectives toward Forest Ecosystem Services (FES) in Europe and identify key messages to European policymakers.

Enjoy reading the 9th newsletter, June 2022!