In April 2019 the first international project meeting of the newly formed NOBEL consortium took place in Vienna. Ao.Univ.Prof. DI Dr. MAS (GIS) Harald Vacik as project leader invited the partners from France (INRA), Germany (TUM), Norway (NMBU), Portugal (ISA), Spain (CTFC) and Sweden (SLU) to the University of Natural Ressources and Life Sciences (BOKU). Over two days the six working packages (WP) and tasks were started and the upcoming next steps discussed and fixed. One highlight was the presentation of the ECOSEL platform from the University of Washington, which was introduced as good practise to set up biddings for management alternatives on ecosystem services. In November the Associate Professor Sándor Tóth who invented it with his team ten years ago is invited to Lisboa by the ISA and will discuss the options for usage of the auctioning system within the NOBEL context.