Special Issue “Economics of FES” in Forests

We want to bring to your attention a call for papers open until 20 July 2020 for the special issue


Forests provide multiple provisioning, regulating, cultural, and supporting ecosystem services to humans: They deliver wood and food, store carbon, regulate the water cycle, protect against natural hazards, offer opportunities for recreation, and are important areas of biodiversity. Many of these services are local or regional, but some of them are also of global importance—as, for example, the carbon forests store of the Amazon basin. Following the international TEEB study, “The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity”, the diverse ecosystem services which forests provide have to be recognized, valued, and effectively integrated in private and public decision making. For those ecosystem services that are public goods and therefore particularly prone to loss, this requires the development of adequate policy instruments and governance mechanisms. While typical patterns and direct drivers of deforestation are well established, there are still significant gaps in understanding how underlying economic drivers shape the dynamics of forest loss and degradation in a world marked by rapidly globalizing natural resource value chains. This holds particularly for global and climate change drivers and for forests in the Global South.

Call for papers

Given your field of expertise you can substantially contribute to this special issue.
For further information please look at the website: