Understanding the motivations and behaviors of private forest owners is paramount for crafting effective forest policies. Misguided policies can lead to inefficiencies, underscoring the need for precise targeting. The French NOBEL partner ‘INRAE‘, delves into this crucial realm in their recent publication titled “Probabilistic typology of private forest owners: A tool to target the development of the new market for ecosystem services“. Drawing from a survey of 220 French private forest owners, the project employs cluster analysis to classify these owners based on their attitudes, behaviors, and the significance they attribute to new markets and social recognition. These owner classifications prove to be valuable predictors of ecosystem service demand, shedding light on the intricate dynamics between forest management, policy, and the preservation and production of ecosystem services.
The study was conducted in France’s Grand-Est region, where private forest owners play a significant role in forested land management. Data were collected through a web-based survey targeting these owners, with a focus on those registered in the “Merlin” database, which includes sustainable management documents. The survey included questions about owners’ perceptions of their management practices, openness to innovations and markets, and desire for public recognition. The survey achieved a 25% response rate, higher than previous French forest owner surveys, and provided valuable insights into forest owner attitudes and preferences.
The table below presents a summary of key statistics related to socio-demographic and property-specific variables. It provides a snapshot of the essential characteristics within the dataset, offering insights into the socio-demographic profiles and property attributes under examination.

The study found that societal demand for ecosystem services is an objective factor on which forest owners generally agree, while individual perceptions vary. Forest owners’ valuations of ecosystem services correlated with their perceptions of societal demand, possibly indicating alignment between personal values and societal expectations.
Key factors influencing how forest owners assess ecosystem services include the method of forest acquisition, length of ownership, and education level. The cluster-based approach proved effective in explaining owner demand for ecosystem services, providing insights for policy decisions and subsidy schemes.
The study suggests an opportunity for developing new markets for ecosystem services, with forest owners’ diverse preferences. It emphasizes the need to consider company perspectives in future research to guide forest owners in these endeavors.
The article is authored by Clement Josset, David W. Shanafelt, Jens Abildtrup, and Anne Stenger. For a more comprehensive understanding of the research, please refer to the attached article.