The overall objective of the ERA-NET Cofund Action ‘ForestValue – Innovating forest-based bioeconomy’ is to promote increased innovation and competitiveness of the forest-based sector in Europe and support its transformation from a resource-intensive to a knowledge-intensive, productive, resource-efficient and resilient sector. Sustainability and modernisation of forestry systems and downstream value chains including innovative business concepts and production technologies will be needed to develop the forestry sector and the European bioeconomy, of which forestry accounts for a large share. The consortium consists of 30 partners representing different programmes in the bioeconomy funding sector, coming from different regions and countries inside/outside Europe. The ForestValue consortium is proud to present its #5 ForestValue Newsletter. Besides other contents, you are welcome to learn about the current actions of the research projects of the ForestValue call 2017, check out running H2020 forestry projects and learn about FOREST EUROPE. Read about the latest news here – including a short description about the Austrian case study in NOBEL: