PES public webinar series setting by the French pilot stakeholders

The forestry sector of the French pilot “Grand Est” seems to be in full transition, with owners who have already taken the step to more sustainable management of their properties without waiting to be encouraged to do so.

one of the recent steps that are taken by the regional association “People and Trees” (Grand Est region) is launching a webinar series for people who are working with PES. The webinar is being organized by the “BourS.E.” initiative (Platform for the enhancement of ecosystem services provided by trees) in order to promote research projects and innovative initiatives enhancing the services provided by trees.

The webinar is an opportunity to present research results to field actors highlighting the potential practical impacts for the actors which helps
– The researchers to catch feedback, visibility, and credibility from the actors ;
– The actors efficiently catch research results and meet the researchers.

One of the successful episodes was based on the outcomes from NOBEL. 28 people registered on April 6 for an online event presented by the French team of the NOBEL project. The attendance was a great diversity of organizations showing a unifying interest in the theme and knowledge dissemination such as Federations of economic actors and naturalist associations, local authorities, and companies committed or simply curious citizens aiming to promote the services provided by trees.

This episode talks about various lessons learned from NOBEL in the file below you can find the complete version of the presentation in French