From 28th to 29th of November 2019 the first project meeting after the kick off was held at the ISA in Portugal’s capital. All partners provided an overview about the progress of work related to the different work packages. It was also possible to get some insight in the concept and the mechanism behind the auctioning platform ECOSEL of the University of Washington, that was presented by Sandor Toth at the meeting. As on of the goals of NOBEL project is to test new and innovative mechanism for the implementation of business models, it was of interest for all partners to learn about the specifics of the auctioning platform. Besides the discussion on the web based auctioning, the design of the surveys regarding the provisioning of ecosystem services for forest owners was shared among the partners and the characteristics of the pilot demonstrations were described. It was also possible to learn about the options for the design of new geo-located indicators for the mapping of forest ecosystem services based on pan-European and national data sources.

In the coffee and lunch breaks as well as during the dinner the partners were able to share their views on different concepts and mechanisms that encourage the improved provision of forest ecosystem services for a given socio-economic, ecological and political context. Thanks to the hospitality and excellent organization by the colleagues of ISA the meeting successfully contributed to the overall progress of NOBEL.